2024 Grant Cycle 
If you're interested in applying for funding from us, first take a look at our grant guidelines to see if your project is one our foundation might support...  If so, we'd welcome your submission. 

The 2024 deadline for submissions is March 27. Make sure to follow our application instructions and 

For More Info
call: 406-461-8708
Application Instructions 

This year, we're moving toward a more "electronic process," meaning you can submit your applications by either mail or email. The information we're requiring, however, remains the same. Your proposal should include the following. 

1. The application cover sheet

2. A two-page, double-spaced (or, approximately 500-600 word) narrative that includes 

• a project description

• goals and outcomes

• a short description of how you plan to use JMF grant dollars in your project

3. A preliminary budget (no more than one page is necessary)

4. If you are a 501(c)3 organization, include a scan or copy of your IRS verification letter as well. 

In addition … 

Other than those four items, please don't send any attachments to us with your application. 


Submitting your proposal


  • Email your proposal to grants@jerrymetcalfmontana.org with a subject line that includes your organization's name and makes it clear you have attached your proposal. 
  • We prefer a .pdf document, but we'll also accept documents in Word or Pages. 
  • We've stared t accepting proposals for our 2024 Grant Cycle, Our deadline is March 27 and here is the updated application cover sheet.
Awards Announcements 
The deadline for our 2024 grant cycle is March 27 and we hope to have our granting decisions made by mid-May. 
Final Grant Report Form 

All grantees are required to fill out this form by June 30, 2024 or when you have completed the project your JMF grant supported.